ECABLES Liquidation

Collapse of cable company highlights serious flaws in electrical safety regime The collapse of an electrical cable import business following a national recall of faulty product has highlighted serious flaws in the process for approving products for sale, the...

Energy Safe Victoria recall of Ecables product

The Australian Cablemakers Association (ACA) has welcomed the mandatory recall on some Ecables branded power cable sold between January 2011 and June 2014. Energy Safe Victoria issued the recall today, following ACA testing which showed the cable was non-compliant due...

Coming Soon – Electrical Cable Handling Industry Guide

The ACA (through its Work Health Safety & Environment Sub-committee) and Simons Transport have joined a working group with the Electrical Wholesalers Association of Australia (EWAA) to develop an Electrical Cable Handling Industry Guide for the safe transport and...

Cable girl scandal could cost $80 million

Source: THE “cable girl” scandal that has left time bombs in 40,000 Australian homes and businesses will cost at least $80 million to fix. The estimate comes from a giant taskforce working feverishly to ensure 4000km of the potentially deadly...